Friday, December 05, 2008

Twilight, The movie

I have to say that this movie really left me a good feeling. It was a very good adaptation of the book into a movie.
In the begining when I knew about the movie I was totally against the movie. I didn't like the actors, I didn't like that they were going to fuck my book in the cinemas... but I really must say that it was incredibly good. At least they told everything the best way the could in a two hours movie.
The actor that plays Edward is playing the rol really well.
So, I went to see the movie expecting to be tremendous disappointed but it was the opposite reaction. I am glad that finally I see a movie that is based in a book and it doesn't disappoint me.
So I highly recommend the movie to those people that as me read the entire saga and they loved each book.
I must say I really hated the second book, but because I was even suffering! hehe. I am that way, I am too sensitive sometimes.
If someone that reads this blog sees the movie I hope they post some comments!!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'll try to watch this movie but... I don't promise anything :P

Sleepwalker said...

I have to work today so I'll try to go tomorrow or at least on Monday...
I thought the same as you, that it wouldn't like me, but I'm sure I was wrong :p
If it doesn't matter I'll give you a best opinion when I've seen it ^^

PS: I hope you don't be upset if I write into your blog :) if it's thus just tell me, there isn't any problem!

Erzsèbet said...

Hi Sleepwalker, dkv's friends are very welcome in my blog so feel free to post whatever you want. :)

Sleepwalker said...

I've seen the film and I have to say that... I didn't like it at all -_-
Actors seemed to me so unexpressive that I was bored during the 2 hours, what a pity!!

But in spite of it, I think that the movie is faithful to the book, and it's the most important thing.

I hope that the second one is better ^^

Erzsèbet said...

Ohhhh I'm sorry to read this, but what is in our imagination when we read cannot be compared :)

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