Tuesday, January 27, 2004


"Quisiera ser ente incorpóreo, internarme en tu cuarto, observarte en tu dormitar, velar tu sueño, arroparte cuando el frio posea tu cuerpo, besar tu piel sin que des crédito de ello... mientras anhelo ser carne y hueso para poder abrazarte"

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Another test

Writer - You live in a world of words. You are
constantly thinking up characters and
situations, putting yourself in places that
don't exist. Writing can be a very good outlet
for all your emotions and help you to stay calm
in difficult situations. You find yourself
observing others a lot, rather than being the
center of attention. If you already like to
write, it has most likely become your passion.

What Is Your Artistic Canvas?
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Mystery. Mystery is Emily's senior cat. She's been
around the block a few times to say the least.
She is the Posse protector and the leader of
the pack- what she says goes! She's got a
menacing meow and is 'most likely to draw
blood' in a scuffle. Mystery is very close to
Emily. Other cats refer to her as 'old school'
"So what's the BIG MYSTERY?" you say.
"If I told you, then I'd have to kill
- Mystery

Which Emily's cat are you?
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